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Overview Trenbolone Acetate is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid and is considered the single greatest anabolic steroid by many performance enhancing athletes. This is one of the most versatile anabolic steroids on the market and can provide benefits quite unlike any other steroid. Trenbolone Acetate is also subject to numerous myths in the anabolic steroid world, but hopefully we’ll be able to dispel these myths and gain a firm understanding of the compound. Trenbolone Acetate is officially classified as a veterinarian grade anabolic androgenic steroid. The Trenbolone hormone itself was first created in the late 1960’s and the Acetate version would be sold under the names Finajet and Finaject. However, this is not the only Trenbolone compound. The same hormone would appear on the pharmaceutical market under the name Parabolan and was manufactured by Negma Laboratories out of France. This version of Trenbolone was comprised of the same active hormone that makes up Finajet and Finaject with the ester attached being the only exception. Parabolan carries the much larger Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester. It would also be the only Tren hormone ever manufactured for human use and would be discontinued in 1997 despite a lot of therapeutic success. See the Parabolan profile for more information. Benefits Beyond its basic hormone structure, Trenbolone Acetate has the small/short Acetate (acetic acid) ester attached to it. The ester is attached in order to control the hormone’s release time post injection. By carrying the Acetate ester, this gives Trenbolone an active half-life of approximately two days. Some data shows its active half-life to be a little less than three days, so 48 to slightly less than 72 hours would appear to be a good range. This, obviously, makes Trenbolone Acetate a fairly fast acting steroid and will require injections to take place somewhat frequently in order to maintain stable blood levels. Trenbolone Acetate carries several powerful traits that are commonly associated with numerous anabolic steroids. However, while it carries numerous common traits, it also carries them at a rate of power and efficiency far above and beyond most steroids. Trenbolone Acetate also carries one trait that largely separates it from the rest of the pack and is what’s largely responsible for making it such a valuable hormonal compound. Like numerous anabolic steroids, Trenbolone Acetate will greatly enhance protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscle tissue. Protein synthesis refers to the rate by which cells build proteins; protein represents the primary building block of muscle. This will promote enhanced anabolism, as well as provide a strong protectant atmosphere during a caloric deficit. It will also largely promote a far greater level of recovery. As for nitrogen retention, the more nitrogen we retain the more anabolic we remain. Conversely, when nitrogen levels fall, this can lead to a catabolic or muscle wasting state. This is due to all lean muscle tissue being comprised of approximately sixteen percent nitrogen. While this is not a large amount, it is enough to make a very big difference. Once again, with enhanced nitrogen retention the anabolic atmosphere is greatly enhanced, tissue is preserved, and recovery is promoted. Dosage

Note; dosage information is only for scientific reference purposes. SARMs Central, does not condone the human consumption or use of this substance outside of a controlled scientific environment (i.e. a lab).

Side Effects There are certainly some possible side effects to Trenbolone Acetate use, but possible is an important word to note. Over the years, and this is more than apparent on steroid message boards, an idea has been passed along that the side effects of Trenbolone Acetate are assured. In fact, some actually believe that if they don’t occur it must be due to a poor product. Not only is this a ridiculous way of thinking, it really doesn’t make any sense. Trenbolone, while tremendously powerful, is not some strange steroid from the 5th dimension. Remember, it’s simply an altered form of Nandrolone, which itself is simply an altered form of the primary male androgen testosterone. While the possible side effects of Trenbolone Acetate are often blown out of proportion, we cannot call this the most side effect friendly anabolic steroid of all time but most certainly not the unfriendliest. Many of the possible side effects of Trenbolone Acetate will be very similar to many anabolic steroids and just as controllable. Many will also be largely dependent on genetic predispositions and sensitivity. However, when it comes to sensitivity there is a group of what we can call response side effects that are a little unique to the Trenbolone hormone. There will be those who experience such effects while many will not. Unfortunately, the response effects will keep many from being able to use this steroid. In fact, while most men will be fine there will be more men who cannot use Tren than perhaps any anabolic steroid. However, keep in mind the response effects of Trenbolone Acetate are in no way an indicator of the hormone working. If you’re a fantastic responder, you shouldn’t have any issue at all.

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