Raloxifene is one of the newer anti-estrogens on the market for the treatment of Estrogen-related medical indications, of which the two most prominent are osteoporosis and Estrogen responsive breast cancer.
As with other similar SERMs such as Nolvadex (Tamoxifen), its use extends past the primary medical indications and is frequently applied by anabolic steroid using bodybuilders as an ancillary drug to combat and/or prevent Estrogen related side effects and issues. Although Raloxifene is not as popular as Nolvadex for this purpose, growing amounts of evidence in the form of research indicates that it is almost or equally effective for this purpose. Although Raloxifene does not have anywhere near as much of a history of research and clinical data compared to more well-established SERMs such as Nolvadex, it is quickly gaining popularity and interest among the bodybuilding and anabolic steroid using community, and many within said community have regarded Raloxifene as a somewhat safer alternative, though these claims are currently unfounded.
Raloxifene doses for the treatment and prevention of Estrogen related side effects as a result of anabolic steroid use are generally higher than more established SERMs such as Nolvadex. This necessitates higher Raloxifene dosages for the purpose of combating and controlling estrogenic side effects. The estrogenic side effects that Raloxifene is used to combat in the arena of anabolic steroid use is primarily gynecomastia, with little assistance for other estrogenic side effects. This is due to the fact that Raloxifene does not serve to reduce total Estrogen levels in the body but merely serves to block Estrogen’s activity in select tissues. This is a commonality among all SERMs, and is an intrinsic method by which all SERMs operate. This should be kept in mind by anabolic steroid users, as any attempt to combat other estrogenic side effects such as bloating and water retention with Raloxifene doses will be inevitably met with failure. Aromatase inhibitors are best suited for those purposes instead.
Aside from its use in mitigating Estrogen, Raloxifene has demonstrated considerable use as an endogenous Testosterone stimulating compound, as studies have demonstrated an increase of serum Testosterone levels by 20% from 120mg of Raloxifene per day. Although this level and amount of endogenous Testosterone stimulation is not quite as efficient as Nolvadex, it is still considerable enough to warrant its use as a viable ancillary during post cycle therapy (PCT)
Note: Dosage information is only for scientific reference purposes. SARMs Central, does not condone the human consumption or use of this substance outside of a controlled scientific environment (i.e. a lab).
Raloxifene in particular cannot be categorized into the three tiers of users (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) as normally outlined and listed in common profiles of compounds and drugs. This is due to the fact that Raloxifene is an ancillary drug not particularly used for the purpose of performance enhancement, but instead is utilized to combat or mitigate various Estrogen-related side effects when aromatizable anabolic steroids are utilized.
In many instances, Raloxifene doses might possibly be utilized to increase the endogenous secretion of Testosterone in men. This allows this compound to be utilized as an ancillary medication during PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) phases after the conclusion an anabolic steroid cycle. Its use on its own for this purpose is not very common and is unlikely to produce noticeable performance enhancing effects.
For the purpose of gynecomastia prevention/reduction during a cycle: Raloxifene dosages are normally utilized for either the prevention of the development of gynecomastia during an anabolic steroid cycle that includes the use of aromatizable anabolic steroids, or as an interceptive medication shortly after the development of gynecomastia has begun. For both conditions, the Raloxifene dosages are the same: 30 – 60mg daily is utilized during an anabolic steroid cycle, though the standard is usually 30mg per day.
Potential Side Effects
Common adverse events considered to be drug-related were hot flashes and leg cramps.
Raloxifene may infrequently cause serious blood clots to form in the legs, lungs, or eyes. Other reactions experienced include leg swelling/pain, trouble breathing, chest pain, vision changes. Raloxifene is a teratogenic drug, i.e., can cause developmental abnormalities such as birth defects.