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Overview Dianabol represents one of the most popular and one of the most important anabolic steroids of all time. Without question, this is the most popular oral steroid to ever hit the market and one of the most popular steroids in any form. While almost always found as an oral tablet, Dianabol can be found as an injectable solution, but the tablets represent the primary route of administration. Why is this steroid so important? In many ways it gave birth to the age of modern performance enhancement On a functional basis, Dianabol is one of the easier anabolic steroids to understand. This steroid will largely provide its anabolic benefits by enhancing protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and glycogenolysis. Protein synthesis represents the rate by which cells build proteins, the building blocks of muscle. Nitrogen retention is important as all muscle tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen. The more nitrogen we retain, the more anabolic we remain. Conversely, a nitrogen deficiency results in a catabolic or muscle wasting state. Then we’re left with glycogenolysis, which refers to the relationship and conversion between glycogen and glucose. Through enhanced glycogenolysis, we are able to make better use of our total carbohydrate consumption. While in many ways these traits are quite simple, they are strong enough to make Dianabol a remarkably powerful anabolic steroid. Benefits Dianabol is simply a fantastic steroid, there’s really no other way to put it. It’s a very simple anabolic steroid, very basic, but like so many things in life sometimes basic can be tremendous. If you’re looking for rapid gains in size that give you a full look, this is the steroid for you. Dosage

Note; dosage information is only for scientific reference purposes. SARMs Central, does not condone the human consumption or use of this substance outside of a controlled scientific environment (i.e. a lab).

Standard Dianabol doses will vary tremendously depending on experience and individual desires. Despite internet rumor and myth, a quality Dbol tablet will produce notable results with as little as 15mg per day. However, most will be far more satisfied with a 20-25mg per day dosing. Keep in mind, each time we increase the dose, this increases the probability of negative side effects and makes them more difficult to control. If a positive experience is enjoyed in the 20-25mg range, 30-35mg per day can be attempted if desired. 50mg per day would be the next step up, and that’s a big Dianabol dose, but manageable for the experienced anabolic steroid user. However, many will not need such a high dose. Higher doses are not uncommon in some hardcore circles, you can easily find someone taking up to 100mg per day, but such doses cannot be recommended. Doses of this nature will produce side effects and be hard on your health. Even if you can control the visual side effects with such a dose, the internal effects can be a very different story. Dianabol carries a half-life of 3-5 hours, and many often recommend splitting the daily dose into 2-3 small doses per day in an effort to maintain peak blood levels. However, even with 3 equal doses per day, you will still experience highs and lows in blood levels. Further, the maximum peak blood level will be much lower than it could have been if the total dosing was taken all at once. By taking the total daily dose at once, this will give you a higher peak level that you can time around your training and maximize during the crucial timing window that follows training. Regardless of which method you choose, you will find Dianabol to produce great results. Side Effects There are five Dianabol side-effects that are quite possible if caution is not applied. These five effects are five of the most common anabolic steroidal side-effects, but rest assured, each one is completely avoidable for the healthy adult male. That last little part of the last sentence read it again and beat these words in your head “healthy adult male.” If you are not a healthy adult male you have no business touching the first Dbol pill, as you will only be asking for trouble. The five Dianabol side-effects of notable worth include:

  • Gynecomastia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High LDL Cholesterol
  • Low HDL Cholesterol
  • Excess Water Retention

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