Are you curious about how SARMs perform in the real-world? Then, you came to the right place in finding the answer you are looking for.
This blog will discuss about SARMs’ effect on muscle mass, fat loss, endurance, and recovery. We will show you real-life results of SARMs based on user reports. We will even give you insights what factors determine one’s gains when taking SARMs.
So without further delay, let get’s right into it and learn SARMs’ before and after effects.
SARMs, otherwise called selective androgen receptor modulators, are chemical compounds that selectively bind to the body’s androgen receptors.Unlike steroids, SARMs target specific tissues. This reduces the risk of organ damage and hormonal imbalances. The tissue selectivity of the different types of SARMs make them an appealing supplement to conventional bodybuilding dietary supplements.
SARMs Before and After: What to Expect
Initial Phase (1 – 4 Weeks)
During the first few weeks of the SARMs cycle, most users experience a noticeable increase in energy levels and performance. This is due to the selective activation of the androgen receptor. The latter enhances strength endurance and output.
While major muscle mass gains are not yet visible, users report increased motivation and improved workout intensity. At this point subtle improvements in muscle tone and overall athletic endurance become apparent. These set the foundation for more significant changes in the coming weeks.
Midway Point (4 – 8 Weeks)
By weeks 4 – 8, users typically start seeing visible muscle growth, improved strength levels, and reduced body fat. The anabolic properties of SARMs enhance muscle fibers while promoting fat oxidation. The outcome? A leaner and more defined physique.
Additionally, vascularity often improves. This means users can experience a fuller, more sculpted look. However, this phase may also bring mild testosterone suppression. This is because the body experiences external modulation of androgens.
Maintaining proper nutrition, hydration, and supplements during this phase is crucial for optimizing results.
After Using SARMs (Post-Cycle)
After completing a SARMs cycle, users enter the post-cycle phase. This is where maintaining gains becomes the primary focus. Without a proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) regimen, hormone levels may remain suppressed. Such a situation may result to a decline in muscle mass and strength.
Some users resort to PCT supplements. The latter restores hormonal balance and sustains progress. If PCT is neglected, problems may arise. These could refer to fatigue, reduced motivation, and muscle loss.
Real-Life Results: SARMs Before and After
LGD-4033 Before and After
The image below showcases an 8-week transformation of an individual using Ligandrol. The latter is stacked with Cardarine for more comprehensive results. According to the user, the dosage includes 5 milligrams of Ligandrol and 10 milligrams of Cardarine. As you can notice, there was significant fat loss over the duration of the cycle.
GW501516 Before and After
Shown below is a before and after effect of Cardarine. The user administered the SARM over a 3-month cycle. He also stacked it with Ostarine and Ligandrol, leading to maximum outcome. Based on his report, he lost 7 pounds and gained muscle mass of 18 pounds.
Andarine Before and After
The next image is a real-life transformation with the help of the Andarine SARM. Taking 25 milligrams during a 8-week cycle, the user transformed from a skinny body to a lean physique. Such results are remarkable since the user was only using the SARM for two months.
RAD-140 Before and After
The user below experienced an increase of 8 pounds of lean muscle over an 8-week period. This is all thanks to RAD 140 SARM which he consumed 10 milligrams daily. Before starting the cycle, the user had hit a training plateau. This means he struggled to gain size despite a strict workout regimen.
Ostarine (MK-2866) Before and After
This SARM transformation is nothing sort of incredible. Over the course of eight weeks, the user went from skinny to absolutely ripped. This is due to his daily dosage of 20 milligrams of Ostarine. Taking a consistent dose of Ostarine enabled his muscles to look fuller, coupled with a significant strength improvement.
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Factors Affecting the SARMs Results:
Below are some of the factors that can affect the outcome of one’s SARM cycle:
- ➢ Diet and Nutrition: If you are not eating right, you are not maximizing your SARMs results. A protein-rich diet is essential for muscle growth. On the other hand, a balanced mix of healthy fats and carbs can fuel your workouts and may help with recovery.
- ➢ Workout Routine: SARMs alone are not enough to do the job. You should also need to come up with a consistent and intense workout routine. Examples are strength training, progressive overload, and targeted cardio.
- ➢ Genetics: Your natural body composition plays a role in how well SARMs will work for you. Different genetics could lead to different results.
- ➢ Dosage and Cycle Length: It might be tempting to up your dose since this may lead to faster results. However, just like with any kind of drugs, higher doses of SARMs come with increased side effects. Beginners should begin with low doses to gauge how their body responds to the cycle.
- ➢ Post-Cycle Therapy: If you want to keep your gains and restore normal hormone levels, PCT is non-negotiable. Without it, there is a high chance for your body to lose it muscle mass. A proper PCT plan ensures long-term progress and health.
SARMs Risks and Ethical Considerations
Below are some of the risks of taking SARMs. Familiarizing yourself with them can help reduce side effects:
- ➢ Suppression of Natural Testosterone Production: Some SARMs can cause hormonal imbalances.
- ➢ Potential Side Effects: Mood swings, vision changes (with Andarine), and liver strain.
- ➢ Legality Issues: Many SARMs are not FDA-approved and are banned by the doping agency in professional sports.
- ➢ Long-Term Health Concerns: Limited research on prolonged use.
- ➢ Problems with Unregulated Sources: Some sources sell impure or mislabeled SARMs.
Where to Buy SARMs Online
If you are looking to buy SARMs online, finding the right supplier online is a bit overwhelming. To save you the trouble, we highly recommend PureRawz, BehemothLabz, RCDBio, and IronMountainLabz. These sellers are well-known for offering third-party lab-tested SARM products. They prioritize purity, efficacy, and product availability to ensure you have the right SARMs for your research.
What we have seen here is that SARMs have demonstrated significant potential for one’s bodybuilding efforts. With real-life images, SARMs can help with muscle growth, fat loss, cutting, and improved athletic performance.
However, note that results still vary depending on certain factors. These could be genetics, diet, training, dosage, and post-cycle therapy. In your search of SARMs, understanding their risks and ethical considerations is crucial.
Lastly, buying from reputable SARM sellers can make or break your research. Thus, purchase SARMs from brands that allow their products to undergo third-party lab testings.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are SARMs different from steroids?
Steroids flood the body with synthetic testosterone which could lead to several adverse effects. In contrast, SARMs are known for their tissue selectivity. They only target muscle and bones while minimizing unwanted effects on organs.
Do SARMs require a prescription?
In many countries, SARMs are sold as dietary supplements. However, they are only used for research purposes and not for human consumption.
Will lose my gains when I stop using SARMs?
Yes it is possible to lose you gains when you stop taking SARMs. To maintain the significant results, apply a proper PCT strategy and observe a solid workout regimen.
What is the best SARMs for beginners?
Ostarine (MK-2866) is often recommended for those beginning their journey with SARMs. This is due to its mild effects and low suppression risk.