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The Sad Story of Ronnie Coleman with Steroids: Why SARMs Are a Smarter Choice

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When we hear the term “Body Building, “a few names immediately come to mind like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lee Haney. However, if you are a real bodybuilding fan, there is one name that is almost in sync with “being the best bodybuilder” ever known. A person who is so great that he is known as the KING in the bodybuilding circle. A man who has won the Mr. Olympia title 8 times, and that too, in a row. However, what if I tell you that the same man has become an example for fitness enthusiasts of what not to do? What if you learn that the same man has led such a tragic life that one ought to learn from his mistakes? The guy that we are talking about is none other than Ronnie Coleman and this story is about his tragic tale of using Steroids that ultimately led him to end up in a wheelchair. We will also discuss why SARMs are a great alternative to using Steroids and the reasons why bodybuilders have switched to them.

Who is Ronnie Coleman?

Ronnie Coleman, who is known as the greatest bodybuilder of all time was a natural athlete right from the word go. Ronnie was a footballer long before he started bodybuilding.  However, when Brian Dobson, owner of Metroflex Gym, offered Ronnie Coleman a free gym membership, he found his one true love in bodybuilding and soon became Mr.Texas in 1990. 

From then on, Ronnie’s career went through the roof. With his hard work, dedication, and unparalleled genetics, he went on to rule the sport. Between 1998 and 2005, he won a staggering eight consecutive Mr. Olympia titles. The achievement was more than enough to secure his place as “The King” of bodybuilding.

Ronnie admits that besides a strict exercise routine and physical discipline, the use of supplements and steroids were also key factors behind his success. However, the physical strains of deadlifting such unimaginable weights finally caught up and took a devastating toll on Ronnie’s body.

Why Ronnie Coleman is in a Wheelchair?

Ronnie Coleman’s present condition was not the result of bodybuilding alone. The real reason behind it goes way back to his earlier years. In college, while playing football, Ronnie had an injury that left his spine in disrepair for a good many years thereafter.

However, later in his career, the constant pressure from lifting heavy weights further deteriorated his problem. Heavy squats, deadlifts, and other rigorous exercises led to herniated discs and severe nerve damage. At the end of his career, Ronnie Coleman had to undergo multiple surgeries for his spinal issues.

How did Steroids Contribute to Coleman’s Condition?

Steroid use or misuse has always been connected with bodybuilders. Ronnie Coleman was no different. The King himself admits that he used PEDs throughout his career. While steroids helped him power up his already Hulk-like genes, the side effects of them were too devastating to handle for his body. The already weakened spine due to injuries further deteriorated as he started having musculoskeletal problems. Though we are still unsure how big an impact steroids caused in his current condition, we have some certain clues that we know for sure that steroids may have done to him and many others like him. Those factors include:

  • Reduced blood flow to bones, causing bone failure and joint pain.
  • Hormonal Disruptions including testosterone suppression.
  • Organ Damage including the liver and kidneys and increased risks of high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes due to cardiovascular strain.
  • Mental Health Effects like mood swings, aggression, and depression are common side effects.
  • Physical Side Effects like acne, hair loss, and a weakened immune system.


SARMs To the Rescue: Why are they a safer alternative?

Though Ronnie did not have that option back in his days, bodybuilders are very fortunate today to have a marvel as good as SARMs. The compound is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) which operates by binding androgen receptor ligands. Simply put, this means that by using the right dosage, androgen receptors in selective tissues tend to show androgenic signaling.

SARMs have lately become very popular in the bodybuilding industry as they have shown anabolic effects on muscles and bones.

Originally developed to treat muscle wasting and diseases like osteoporosis, prostate cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease with its selective AR targeting nature, SARMs have proved to improve bone strength and exaggerate muscle growth by enhancing the body’s natural skeletal muscle hypertrophy.

Do SARMs Enhance Performance and Endurance Levels?

SARMs work by selectively targeting androgen receptors in the body, which can have anabolic (muscle-building) effects similar to traditional anabolic steroids, but with potentially fewer side effects on other tissues.

Many top athletes and bodybuilders have used SARMs for enhancing performance and endurance, as well as promoting muscle growth and fat loss. With minimal side effects compared to steroids, SARMs offer a safer and more sustainable option for bodybuilders looking to enhance their performance. The specific targeting nature gives this natural androgen testosterone compound its superpower of increasing muscle mass and stimulating muscle growth hence improving physical performance.

Where to Buy SARMs?

If you have made up your mind to become a big bodybuilder like Ronnie, but without damaging your health, you can get these SARMs from many places. But wait! We don’t want you falling into the wrong hands. Therefore, we recommend that you always buy your SARMs and Peptides from authentic sources only. We recommend PureRaw, RCDBio, BehemothLabz,, and IronMountainLabz are the best places to buy supplements like SARMs for sale.
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Ronnie Coleman’s story is a great example of a celebrity who reached the peak of his game but soon after, dropped to rock bottom in terms of health. This was obviously due to some bad choices that he had made in his life and specifically, his career. His story teaches us a lot, the least of which we can take away is to always be vigilant of what we are consuming to boost our exercise results. We should avoid steroids and other such harmful compounds and switch to SARMs which offer less potent, but long-lasting and harmless benefits for the body. Moreover, we should also be wary of where we are getting our supplements. We should always do extensive research about the sites or companies that are selling these PEDs. We should make sure that they are authentic and provide CoAs and reference materials just like the recommended sites in this article. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What different types of SARMs are there to build muscles?

There are several types of SARMs, each with its unique properties and potential benefits. Some common examples include Ostarine (MK-2866), Ligandrol (LGD-4033), Andarine (S-4), Rad-140 (Testolone), and Sr-9009 (Stenabolic). However, if bulging muscles are your sole target we recommend Lingadrol, Cardarine, Ostarine Ibutamoren, and RAD-140 as your go-to choices.

Are there any Side Effects to SARMs?

SARMs have almost zero side effects when used carefully. However, as the case is with supplementary products, one is bound to have certain side effects. These may include:

  • Psychosis/hallucinations    
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Pregnancy complications

Are there any tips to Maximize Results with SARMs?

If you want to gain maximum results you should keep in mind the following points:

  • Always follow the guidelines provided by our recommended websites.
  • Adhere to the prescribed dosage
  • Never overdose at any cost.
  • Take it in the morning or before sleep as advised. Don’t change the time of dosage on your own.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Always use SARMs along with a good exercise and diet routine for maximum results. 

Are SARMs Legal?

Though not FDA-approved yet for human consumption, with their ever-growing popularity, SARMs may end up resolving legality issues soon which is the main concern in SARMs.

The reason behind this is the fact that besides being proven to be a game changer for the fitness industry with tremendous benefits of muscle gain and fat loss, the potency of SARMs is weaker than other PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs) thus making the compound less prone to side effects and making it an excellent option.

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