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LGD-4033 Ligandrol SARM: Exploring Its Mechanism, Benefits, Effects, Dosage, and More

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Hitting the gym 5 days a week, still not getting the muscle mass you desire? Pumping heavier iron by the day and still the level of muscle building that you saw in the Schwarzenegger poster seems impossible. Want to try supplements but are afraid of their potential adverse effects? Your days of anxiety are over as we are here with a SARM called Ligandrol that has all the solutions to your problems.

Sarms, which till now had a side effect of testosterone and DHT (known associations with liver, heart disease, and adverse effects on prostate) motivated the development of selective androgen receptor modulators that display tissue-selective activation of androgenic signaling.

LGD-4033, a novel non-steroidal, oral selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), binds androgen receptors with high affinity and selectivity.

Product Information – What is Ligandrol LGD 4033

Ligandrol, otherwise known as LGD-4033, is a chemical compound produced by the company Ligand Pharmaceuticals, designed to fight muscle waste or muscle failure in people with related conditions (such as AIDS or cancer).

Ligandrol is a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) currently under investigation for the treatment of muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and other clinical indications.

How Does it Work?

SARMs, in general, have this tendency to selectively bind to ARs (androgen receptors). The human body typically has 47 nuclear receptors. While other compounds in the market are generic in their targeting of tissues and body receptors, Ligandrol is very selective in its targeting of AR hence making it a good option for people looking for faster muscle’ gain.

It is as potent and efficacious as testosterone in vitro assays without interaction with other hormone receptors.

In addition, it demonstrates to be one of those potent anabolic steroids that have beneficial effects on muscle and bone with minimal effect on the prostate. SARMs such as Ligandrol may advance the standard of treatment for a variety of disorders including muscle-wasting conditions and osteoporosis, with fewer side effects as compared to current treatments based on testosterone replacement. The compound has exhibited promising pharmacological properties and a favorable safety profile in pre-clinical testing.

Benefits of Ligandrol LGD 4033

Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has gained attention in the fitness and bodybuilding community. Some potential benefits associated with Ligandrol include:

Muscle Growth

Ligandrol is believed to promote muscle growth by binding to androgen receptors in muscle tissues, leading to increased protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy {R}.

Strength Gains

Users have reported improvements in strength and power by strengthening bone and muscle tissues, making it popular among athletes and weightlifters{R}.

Fat Loss

Some studies suggest that LGD-4033 may aid in body fat loss by increasing metabolism and promoting a leaner physique{R}.

Bone Health

Studies have indicated that Ligandrol helps in recovering from hip fracture surgery. These patients are the perfect candidates for selective androgen receptor treatment, as mobility and movement are limited, resulting in muscle atrophy, bone degradation, and muscle wasting. Ligandrol supports bone density and overall bone health, which is beneficial for athletes and individuals concerned about osteoporosis{R}.

Improved Recovery

Users have reported faster recovery times between workouts and reduced muscle soreness. Moreover, the drug has been reported to control elevated liver enzymes and jaundice in patients as well{R}.

Enhanced Endurance

LGD-4033 may enhance endurance and stamina, making it potentially useful for endurance athletes{R}.

Popularity in the Bodybuilding industry

The drug has gained popularity in the bodybuilding industry for its potential role in muscle growth, increased muscle, and gaining lean muscle mass

As a partial agonist, it is admired among bodybuilders for its ability to stimulate significant strength gains and improvements in muscle mass.

The best thing is that you can expect dramatic results within a short period. This is one product that you should buy if endurance, muscle mass, and strength gains are what you’re seeking.

Recommended Dosage of LGD 4033

Gender, weight, body type, and medical history are major factors based on which dosage should be set by a professional healthcare provider.

Generally, based on average users, it is recommended that Ligandrol may be taken as 1 mg per 1 Kg of body weight which makes a dosage of 15-25 mg per day for a bodybuilder weighing around 200 kg.

Potential Side Effects of LGD 4033

LGD-4033 like any other SARM, suppresses natural Testosterone levels, which can cause an imbalance in Testosterone and Estrogen levels in the body. This imbalance can, but not necessarily cause symptoms like acne, lethargy, depressive mood state, high BP, and change in testicular size.

Is LGD-4033 Legal?

As a part of a prohibited class of anabolic agents, the FDA has not approved it yet, however, it has given a completely new dimension to SARMs’ popularity and may end up gaining not only unmatched popularity but also resolving legality issues as well which is the main concern in SARMs.

It’s important to note that the long-term safety and potential side effects of Ligandrol are not fully understood, as research is ongoing.

Additionally, the use of LGD-4033 outside of medical supervision may be prohibited by sports organizations and regulatory agencies, so it’s essential to be aware of the legal and ethical implications in your specific context. Always consult a healthcare professional before considering the use of any performance-enhancing substances.

Where to Buy Ligandrol LGD 4033?

PureRawz, RCDBio, IronMountainLabz, and BehemothLabz are the best places to buy LGD-4033 for sale.

To be the best SARMs supplier, we provide reference materials with every product we sell. Each of our SARMS comes with an independent, third-party-issued Certificate of Analysis for identification, purity, and concentration.

We offer free international shipping on all orders above $100. You can pay for your purchase through various methods, including PayPal and Bitcoin. Click on the ‘Reviews’ tab to check out what existing customers have to say about our products and great customer service {R}

Find The Best Prices For LGD-4033


What is the Half-Life of Lingandrol?

On average, the terminal half-life of Lingandrol in animals is 4-5 hours. After oral dosing, it was rapidly absorbed and completely bioavailable.  Studies show that the terminal half-life of SARMs ranges from 4.1 to 14.7 hours.

What is its Post-Cycle Therapy and its Ideal cycle for women?

Post-cycle therapy is recommended to be started immediately after the application has been concluded.  The cycle with Ligandrol for women should not last more than 8 weeks and should not exceed 5mg per day.

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