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Is S-23 the Secret Recipe of “The Ultimate Fighter”?

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Ever wondered what it takes to become a champion? Ever imagined the secret behind a ripped physique or a bulkier, muscular body? Or do you want to know the ingredients for making “The Ultimate Fighter”? This article will tell you exactly that. It is the story of a man who became a one-of-a-kind fighter and his use of SARM S-23 in his Road to Success in his Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) career. 

Nicknamed ‘THE NIGHTMARE’, Diego Sanchez became the NEWS in the world of sports when USADA handed him a 3-month suspension for his use of Ostarine and S-23.

Who is Diego Sanchez?

The American UFC fighter belongs to the Super Lightweight Division of the Eagle Fighting Championship. Diego Sanchez is one of the only two UFC fighters who has competed in 04 different weight classes in the sport. The 43-year-old professional MMA fighter is loved for his aggressive fighting style and colorful personality. His memorable performances and warrior spirit have made him a fan favorite and is regarded as one of the pioneers of modern Mixed Martial Arts.

Career Highlights

The Ultimate Fighter Winner

Sanchez gained national attention as the winner of the inaugural season of The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) reality show in 2005. 

UFC Career (2005–2021)

A career spanning 16 years in the UFC. Fought 04 different weight classes, including lightweight, welterweight, and featherweight.

Numerous Fight of the Night bonuses due to his awesome and unique fighting style.

Memorable fights include:

A bloody war against Clay Guida (2009), which earned Fight of the Year honors.

His lightweight title challenge against B.J. Penn in 2009, though he lost via TKO.

The S-23 Controversy

Perhaps the biggest controversy from the UFC world in 2019 came when USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) banned Diego Sanchez for his alleged use of S-23. Suddenly S-23 was the talk of the town. Every young UFC aspirant wanted the SARM supplement and everyone wanted to know more about it. Perhaps every fan of Sanchez was a fan of S-23 now.

What is S-23?

If you’re looking to build serious muscle mass and strength, S-23 is one you’ll want to learn more about.

S-23 is what’s known as a selective androgen receptor modulator. In simple terms, that means it works by targeting specific androgen receptors in your muscles and bones. This allows S-23 to amplify protein synthesis and nitrogen retention – key factors in building lean mass.

SARMs are a class of compounds designed to have effects similar to anabolic steroids but with fewer side effects. They work by selectively binding to androgen receptors in the body, influencing muscle and bone tissues. Unlike traditional anabolic steroids, SARMs aim to be more selective in their action, targeting specific tissues without affecting others.

How Does S-23 Work?

S23 is classified as a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator). SARMs are designed to selectively target and bind to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue while having reduced effects on other tissues like the prostate. The degree of selectivity can vary between different SARM compounds based on their chemical structure, but this selectivity has not been conclusively proven in human trials yet.

Cell studies have shown that S23 can form very strong bonds with androgen receptors in muscle and bone cells. This gives S23 extremely high potency compared to many other available SARMs currently on the market.

S-23 Benefits

Lean Muscle Booster and Body Fat Reducer

The reputation of S23 largely arises from informal reports of its capacity to stimulate lean muscle growth and reduce body fat, resembling the effects of anabolic steroids. 

Preliminary research has provided interesting insights. In one such study, S23 administration led to a notable decrease in average body weight and fat mass. Remarkably, even when exposed to an exogenous estrogen known to induce muscle wasting, S23 demonstrated the capacity to override these catabolic effects, instead facilitating an increase in lean muscle accretion. 

Moreover, S23 exhibited a dose-dependent influence on adipose tissue, with higher doses yielding more profound reductions in fat deposits.

Effective for Male Birth Control 

This research compound has attracted considerable attention for its possible use as a contraceptive for males. By reducing the production of FSH and LH, essential for sperm production, it has demonstrated the ability to induce temporary infertility.

This contraceptive effect exhibits a specific dosage range, with higher doses paradoxically supporting sperm production, illustrating the intricate relationship between dosage and bodily response.

Boosts Bone Density 

Initial indications suggest that this compound may offer specific advantages in this domain, activating cells that build bones and simultaneously improving muscle strength – an organized attempt to strengthen skeletal health and decrease the risk of fractures. Importantly, the S23’s ability to enhance bone mineral density seems uniform across different doses, with both small and large amounts providing similar protection against bone loss. [R]

Increases Female Sexual Motivation

The decrease in sex hormones due to aging, which accompanies menopause, can often result in reduced sexual desire and arousal in women, termed hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). While adding testosterone is a common treatment method, it may come with increased risks of cardiovascular issues and breast cancer. [R]

S23 has emerged as a potential adjuvant in addressing this issue. S23 demonstrated the capacity to increase sexual activity while preserving the structural integrity of the uterus and its lining, offering a tantalizing alternative to conventional testosterone-based interventions.  [R]

Accelerates Fat Burning 

One of the biggest touted advantages of S23 is its ability to help burn fat and reduce overall body fat levels. Evidence for this comes from studies in which subjects given S23 experienced a noticeable drop in their average body weight as well as a decrease in the amount of fat mass they carried. 

This suggests that S23 may be able to significantly ramp up the breakdown and burning of fat stores in the body, especially at higher dosages. The more S23 consumed, the more dramatic the reduction in total body fat.

S23 Dosage

Bodybuilders and athletes say they take S-23 in doses between 10 and 30 mg per day. typically split into two doses due to the compound’s reported half-life of 12 hours.

People have also mentioned using S-23 for cycles lasting up to 8 weeks, often during cutting cycles or when they’re trying to change their body composition.

S23 – Side Effects

S-23 is considered very safe. However, some side effects can still be faced by a handful of users. These include: 

1. Testosterone Suppression

2. Increased Aggression

3. Night Sweats

Where can you get S-23?

If you have made up your mind to turn yourself into an Ultimate Fighter just like Diego Sanchez, you can get this PED from many places. But wait! We don’t want you falling into the wrong hands. Therefore, we recommend that you always buy your SARMs and Peptides from authentic sources only. We recommend PureRawz, RCDBio, BehemothLabz, and IronMountainLabz are the best places to buy S-23 for sale.

To be the best SARMs supplier, these sites provide reference materials with every product they sell. Each of their SARMS comes with an independent, third-party-issued Certificate of Analysis for identification, purity, and concentration.

They offer free international shipping on all orders above $100. You can pay for your purchase through various methods, including PayPal and Bitcoin. Click on the ‘Reviews’ tab to check out what existing customers have to say about their products and great customer service.

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Final Thoughts: Did S-23 make Sanchez the Ultimate Fighter?

It’s uncertain if Sanchez used the SARM pill because the MMA fighter continues to deny the claims to date. However, the case study is an excellent marketing opportunity for the product because S-23 has proven its muscle-boosting claims in real life. In the controversial realm of sports, athletes have been known to employ a range of SARMs, most notably S-23. However, due to the alleged involvement of a well-followed superstar, S-23 has erupted onto the scene to transform beginners into super fighters.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is S-23 banned in sports?

S-23 provides athletes with performance-enhancing benefits. This includes increased muscle mass, strength, and recovery. These advantages create an uneven playing field, which is why sports organizations like WADA prohibit the drug for professional athletes.

Is post-cycle therapy (PCT) needed after S-23 use?

Yes, post-cycle therapy is highly recommended to restore hormonal balance after using the drug. This is because S-23 can suppress natural testosterone production. So to avoid any negative effects, one should adopt PCT.

How do you take S-23 powder? 

The S-23 powder can be dissolved and suspended in a liquid solution for experimental purposes. It is not to be ingested.

Is S-23 legal to buy? 

S-23 SARM is legal to buy and possess as an unregulated chemical compound. However, while not controlled, it is also not approved for human use, consumption, or dosing by any regulatory body.

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