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Andarine S4 SARM Complete Guide: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, and More

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Tired of that belly fat that keeps coming back even after those tireless hours in the gym? Searching for that one perfect intake to give you that perfect figure. Look no further! We have got the perfect SARM for your needs. Andarine S4 is perfect for cutting fat and bringing back lean muscle mass. Andarine does not only exaggerate your fat-burning process but also speeds up muscle growth.

What Is Andarine S4 SARM?

The S4 is a novel non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). The drug has been investigated for the treatment of age-related cognitive decline. It is as potent and efficacious as testosterone in vitro assays without interaction with other hormone receptors.

In addition, the S4 demonstrates to be one of those potent anabolic steroids that have beneficial effects on cutting fat and improving muscle and bone with minimal effect on the prostate. Andarine S4 belongs to the class of androgenic anabolic steroids made up of molecules referred to as selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs).

In this article, we will cover Andarine’s product information, dosage, how it works, legality issues, and most importantly where to buy legal S4 at the best possible price.

Andarine (S-4) – Product Details

Andarine S4, also known simply as S4, was originally developed by a pharmaceutical company called GTx Inc. Andarine was originally developed for potential medical applications, such as treating conditions like muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and prostate issues.

The S4 is a SARM with obvious anabolic properties similar to those of androgenic steroids but with minimal detrimental effects. The drug has proved, through clinical trials, for muscle weight gain in skeletal muscles. Additionally, the SARM has shown its potential for the treatment of degenerative disorders such as degenerative bone disorders and prostate cancer.

Popularity in the Bodybuilding industry

S4 is a game changer for fitness enthusiasts around the globe. With further research, the drug has gained popularity in the bodybuilding industry for its potential role in muscle growth, increased muscle mass, gaining lean muscle, and fat loss 

Though the use of SARMs for performance enhancement or bodybuilding purposes is not approved by regulatory authorities, however, as a partial agonist, the S4 is admired among bodybuilders for its ability to stimulate significant strength gains and improvements in muscle mass. The best thing is that you can expect dramatic results within a short period. This is one product that you should buy if endurance, muscle mass, fat loss, and strength gains are what you’re seeking.

How Does Andarine S4 Work?

SARMs, in general, have this tendency to selectively bind to ARs (androgen receptors). The human body typically has 47 nuclear receptors. While other compounds in the market are generic in their targeting of tissues and body receptors, the S4 is very selective in its targeting of AR hence making it a good option for people looking for faster muscle’ gain.

The S4 was created to help as a treatment for patients undergoing degenerative bone disorders. It was used for disorders such as arthritis, muscle wasting, and osteoporosis. It was designed to offer a safer alternative to anabolic androgen steroids and prohormones. It binds to androgen receptors found in the bone tissue and also in the muscles.


S-4 builds lean mass without the side effects of traditional anabolic compounds in studies Andarine ( S-4 ) is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) for treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and benign prostatic hypertrophy. Compared to testosterone and other anabolic steroids and pro hormones, the advantage of SARMs such as S-4 is that they do not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues. S4 was designed for the treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting and strengthening muscle and bone tissue.

Out of the countless benefits of Andarine S4, some of the few that have been suggested in research and anecdotal reports include:

Muscle Preservation:

S4 may help preserve lean muscle mass during periods of calorie restriction or while cutting, which can be beneficial for bodybuilders and athletes. {R}

Increased Strength:

Some users have reported improvements in strengthening muscle weight and power output when using Andarine{R}.

Fat Loss:

Andarine may assist in fat loss by increasing fat oxidation and promoting a leaner physique {R}

Improved Endurance:

It might enhance endurance levels, potentially leading to better performance during workouts{R}.

S4 and Bone Health:

Some users have experienced joint relief while using Andarine as it helps increase bone mineral density{R}.

Potential for Osteoporosis Treatment:

S4 has shown promise in animal studies for the treatment of osteoporosis, as it may increase bone density.

Last but not least, Andarine was shown to reduce prostate weight with similar efficacy to the prostate gland, but without producing any reduction in muscle mass or anti-androgenic side effects {R}.

What is the recommended dosage of Andarine S4?

The latest studies using dosages w.r.t body composition range from 3 to 10mg per kg body weight. If we look at the anecdotal experience, we will see that most users take a dosage between 25mg to 100mg per day.

There is no optimal dosage established for human consumption yet. However, most users would say an Andarine dosage of 50mg is optimal. Most users also experience vision side effects at this dosage.

A general cycle of Andarine would be 50mg split into 2 dosages for 8 weeks. A PCT product would be highly advised because S4 has been shown to be suppressive.

We wouldn’t recommend going any higher than 100mg a day because of the vision side effects occurring rapidly at a higher dose.{R}

Is Andarine S4 Legal?

Regulations regarding SARMs may vary by country, and their use for performance enhancement or bodybuilding purposes is often discouraged or prohibited in competitive sports.

The drug is specified for research use for now and further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and assess its safety and efficacy in humans. Moreover, the World Anti-Doping Agency and FDA are yet to approve the drug in sports.

Where to Buy Andarine Online

PureRawz, RCDBio and BehemothLabz are the best places to buy Andarine S4.

In order to be the best SARMs supplier, we provide reference materials with every Andarine for sale. Each of our SARMS comes with an independent, third-party-issued Certificate of Analysis for identification, purity, and concentration {R}.


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What are the Side Effects of Andarine?

With the numerous benefits on offer, it is, however, essential to note that the use of SARMs like Andarine S4 is for laboratory research use and as such not without risks. Potential side effects and safety concerns, including hormonal imbalances, are associated with these compounds. {R}

Is it safe to stack Andarine S4 with other SARMs?

Before considering any SARM, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to weigh the potential risks and benefits.

What is the Half-Life of Andarine S4?

The half-life of SARMS can vary depending on the specific compound. SARMS are still under research and development, and their pharmacokinetic properties, including half-life, can vary significantly between different compounds. Some SARMS may have a relatively short half-life, while others may have a longer duration of action.

Andarine S-4 has a short half-life of 4 hours.

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