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Best SARMs for Bulking & Muscle Growth – Top Picks, Benefits, Effects, & Reviews

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Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are compounds that attach to androgen receptors. They promote muscle growth, endurance, and recovery without many side effects linked to traditional steroids. They are popular in the fitness world. They are often chosen in bulking cycles since they enhance lean muscle mass. 

What are SARMs?

SARMs work by targeting androgen receptors in bone tissues and muscles. They encourage growth without affecting the prostate or causing liver damage. They’ve been favored for their selective action and minimal risks. 

Top SARMs for Bulking/Muscle Growth

1. Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is one of the most researched SARMs. It promotes lean muscle growth and accelerates recovery. It is a popular ally of beginners and even experienced users in their fitness journey. 

Mechanism Of Action

Ostarine selectively binds to androgen receptors in bone and muscle tissues. It stimulates anabolic activity that promotes muscle growth and repair. Its action mimics natural testosterone while maintaining hormone balance, unlike androgenic steroids. It enhances lean mass while preventing muscle wasting. 

Benefits for Bulking 

  • ➢ Enhances health and recovery after intense workouts.
  • ➢ Reduces muscle wasting during caloric deficit diets. 
  • ➢ Supports lean muscle mass gains. 

Real User Results from Reddit

  • “This was used in clinical trials for muscle wasting diseases, if you want to barely grow any noticeable muscle then sure you can take 3mg and get almost no side effects but if you increase the dosage to 10-30mg you will notice significant muscle gains and strength gains.” – Pyxes

Side Effects of Ostarine for Bulking

  • ➢ Potential problems like joint pain but in high doses. 
  • ➢ Mild testosterone suppression

Suggested Online Stores/Suppliers

  • ➢ PureRawz
  • ➢ BehemothLabz

2. Ligandrol (LGD 4033)

Ligandrol is a potent SARM. It is often called the “mass builder” because of its muscle-building capacity. 

Mechanism Of Action

Ligandrol works by activating androgen receptors in skeletal muscles. It triggers protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy. It has a high affinity for androgen receptors that leads to rapid gains. 

Benefits for Bulking 

  • ➢ Increases strength and endurance.
  • ➢ Promotes rapid muscle growth. 
  • ➢ Enhances performance and bone density.

Real User Results from Reddit

  • “I did a 12 week cycle didn’t notice much gains after the 10th week so next time ill probably only run it for 10, did experience suppression(test was 152) ran enclo to help mitigate that.

Liver was good on all my panels I used NAC. Gained a good amount of mass to the point where people were commenting that I looked bigger, shirts went from an XL to a 2XL. I’ve always been the tall skinny type so it was a big help for me. After coming off didn’t lose any strength, lost the watery/ bloated look but my weight stayed the same.” –Draxinav

Side Effects of Ligandrol for Bulking

  • ➢ Mild water retention in some users. 
  • ➢ Hormonal suppression

Suggested Online Stores/Suppliers

  • ➢ RCDbio
  • ➢ PureRawz

3. RAD 140 Testolone

It is often called the most powerful SARM for bulking. RAD-140 delivers significant muscle gains than traditional SARMs with added performance enhancement. 

Mechanism Of Action

RAD-140 binds with exceptional affinity to androgen receptors in muscle tissue. It drives muscle growth and strength gains. It copies the effects of testosterone while lessening its impact on non-muscle tissues. 

Benefits for Bulking 

  • ➢ Boosts strength and stamina. 
  • ➢ Improves fat loss alongside bulking efforts. 
  • ➢ Supports rapid muscle growth. 

Real User Results from Reddit

  • My first time using it at 12 mg for 10 weeks I got this result:

My strength increased by about 20kg (45lbs) on all compound lifts. I am since then able to bench press 95kg(210lbs) for 5 touch and go reps, and I’m able to do neutral grip (full range of motion) pullups for 10 reps with +20kg (45lbs). I’m able to do that while having bad leverages (very long arms), so for me these are already “respectable” lifts.

At the end of the cycle, I added 1 inch to my arm size, while remaining at the same the body fat %.I’ve put on 4-5 kg of lean mass (9-11lbs). 


Side Effects of RAD 140 for Bulking

  • ➢ Aggression or mood swings.
  • ➢ Hormonal imbalances

Suggested Online Stores/Suppliers

  • ➢ BehemothLabz
  • ➢ RCDbio


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4. YK11

YK11 is a myostatin inhibitor that promotes extreme muscle growth. It is used by bodybuilders for advanced bulking cycles. 

Mechanism Of Action

YK-11 acts as a myostatin inhibitor. It allows unregulated muscle growth by removing the natural limit set by myostatin. It also interacts with androgen receptors to promote muscle proliferation and differentiation. Its dual mechanism results in extreme muscle-building potential. 

Benefits for Bulking 

  • ➢ Works synergistically with other different SARMs
  • ➢ It stimulates muscle hyperplasia (growth of new muscle cells). 
  • ➢ It increases strength and size rapidly.

Real User Results from Reddit

  • “YK11 is far from the “most suppressive” SARM/compound and there’s no studies or evidence to back up the claim that it’s that suppressive. Everyone that says it’s “highly suppressive” is just piggybacking off of what other reddit users and youtubers (most of whom have also never tried it and very openly admit to not using it) say because they see it’s a DHT derivative and assume it must be suppressive.

As someone who has actually tried oral YK11 and knows dozens of other SARMs and steroids users, none (not exaggerating) has seen serious suppression sides from YK11 use. Not saying that it can’t cause suppression at all, but when you are stacking it with RAD and LGD and your bloodwork shows very little difference in test suppression compared to previous blood tests from running RAD and LGD alone, it’s enough to conclude YK-11 isn’t making that much of an impact when it comes to test suppression. I also know two dudes who ran it solo and they didn’t even need to PCT after.

I’d even say suppression is among the least of a user’s worries when it is comes to side effects from YK11. The sore joints and liver toxicity are far more pressing than any test suppression someone will experience from using.” – rcalv25

Side Effects of YK11 for Bulking

  • ➢ Potential testosterone levels decrease or suppression
  • ➢ Stiffness or joint pain

Suggested Online Stores/Suppliers

  • ➢ PureRawz
  • ➢ RCDbio

Other notable SARMs

Aside from those SARMs mentioned above, S23 is also known for its potent muscle-building properties. Advanced users often use it for their fitness goals. MK-677 Ibutamoren is also prominent. It is a growth hormone secretagogue that enhances muscle growth and recovery. 

How To Maximize Results During Bulking

Nutrition and Proper Diet

A calorie surplus with high protein intake is very much important. Always aim for complex carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats to fuel muscle growth. 

Recommended Workout Routines

  • ➢ Incorporate progressive overload to continually challenge the muscles. 
  • ➢ Focus on lifts like deadlifts, bench presses, and squats. 

Ensure Adequate Rest and Recovery

  • ➢ Sleep 8-9 hours at night for optimal recovery
  • ➢ Take rest days to allow muscle recovery and growth. 


Follow recommended dosages for each SARM. 

  • ➢ Ostarine – start with 20mg for beginners and up to 30 mg for advanced users. 
  • ➢ Ligandrol – begin with a daily dose of 5 mg and increase into around 10 mg. 
  • ➢ RAD-140 – the dosage range for RAD 140 is between 10 – 30 mg per day.
  • ➢ YK-11 – common dosage is 10 – 30mg per day


  • ➢ Ostarine – Ostarine (10-20 mg daily) + LGD – 4033 (10 mg daily) ;  Ostarine (10-20 mg daily) + MK – 677 (25 mg daily)
  • ➢ Ligandrol – MK-677 Ibutamoren + Ligandrol
  • ➢ RAD-140 – MK-677 + RAD-140
  • ➢ YK11 – RAD-140 + YK11 ; MK-677 + LGD-4033 + YK-11

Take Away

Popular SARMS like Ligandrol, Ostarine, YK-11, RAD-140, and Ibutamoren are excellent options for bulking. They provide significant muscle gains while offering fewer negative side effects. Real users gave testimonials about the effectiveness of these SARMs compared to anabolic steroids. However, it is important to prioritize safety. Adhere to recommended dosage and consult medical professionals before starting any cycle. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best SARMs for bulking beginners? 

MK-2866 (Ostarine) is the most beginner-friendly SARM. It is mild and yet gives proven results. 

What are the best SARMs for bulking and strength? 

RAD-140 and Ligandrol are users’ top choices. If you’re looking to gain both muscle size and strength, they’re your go-to options. 

Will bulking make me fat?

Bulking can lead to fat gain. But, that’s if you are in a large caloric surplus. Remember to stick to clean bulking using nutrient-dense foods. 

When bulking, how often should I train?

Train 4-6 times a week. Mix strength and hypertrophy sessions. 

Are SARMs safe to use?

SARMs are generally safer than anabolic steroids. However, it still carries minimal side effects like hormonal suppression. Follow post-cycle therapy protocol for safer use. 

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